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Church of England Section QD

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.Cornelian Bay Search

Abbott Felicity Ruth Daft Colin Michael Hortin Helen Lousie Oates Rodney Unknown
Allie Della Eileen Davidson Phyllis Howard Harold Wayne   Unknown2
Allie Susanne Fay Davies John Anthoney Howie Peter P Unknown3
Andrews Evelyn Donaghy Valerie Allison Hurd Helen Peterson Baby Unknown4
Appleton N Donald Jann Lorraine Hurd Thomas A Pickett Garry Royal  
  Drew Peter Leslie Hutcheon Baby Poole Gavin Wayne  
B Duffy Shari Lynette   Price L W V
Bantoft Merrilyn Gai Dunn Lyall J Purcell Baby Vince Hilda K
Barrett Arthur   Johnson Baby   Vince Vernon E
Barrett Gaye E Johnstone Edward John R  
Barrett Marjory Zoe Evans Jones Paul Colin Randall Wendy W
Barrow Susan   Jones Sandra Helen Randall Rhonda Walker John William
Bell Anthony George F   Rayner Kenneth Elwin Walsh Raymond John
Bell Garry Scott Fazackerley Timothy James L Reason David Laurence Warren Unknown Helen
Bell George Fisher John Lahey Margaret Christine Redshaw Baby Watson Frederick W
Bennett Floyd Sandra Louise Laing Phillipa Jane Reid Elizabeth Webb Jennifer
Bentley Rodney Michael Fox Danny Albert Henry Langford Maureen Lesley Roberts Westcott Robert Lindsey
Blake Jean Frampton Adrian Frederick Leaman Graeme Robert Roberts Tony Lewis Westwood Cheryl Maree
Boxall Anthony John Frankcombe Leslie Ken   Wheatley William Robert
Boxall Benjamin John Freeman Lyell Wilfred Lincoln Bruce Albert S White Vicki Mary
Broderick John   Lincoln Kathleen May Sargeant Christopher Williams Christopher
Brown Margaret Jean G Ling Elizabeth Anne Sargeant Doris Isobel Wilson Brian Phillip
Browning Christopher Dennis Geeves Judith Anne Lockley Sargeant Graeme John Wilson Pamela Frances
Buckney Kathleen Anne Giles Long Stephen James Saunders Lorraine Fay Wilson Peter Thomas
Butler Alison Gobbey Helen Ruth Lovell Cheryl Shreeve Dennis Athol Witterson Baby
  Gordon Faye Lovell Glen Shreeve Leonard  
C Gore Heather Mary   Shreeve Leonard James Y
Cannell Kerry Peter Gough Goff M Simpson Rosemarie Yaxley Anne Maree
Cooper Brian James Gough Mollie Cooper Martin Maree Erica Sproule  
Cooper Marion Gough Richard Marshall Christine Anne Stennings Garry Rodney Z
Costelloe Robert John Grant Judith Diane McCallum Roger Douglas Stennings Keith William Zschech Colin Eric
Cranfield   McCormack Darryl Stocks Brian Lewis  
Croft Baby H McKay Mary Doreen Stowe David  
  Hancock R J McMaster Aulie Anne    
  Heffernan Roger John Morley Karan Elizabeth T  
  Hendy Jill Louise Morley Stella Pamela Taylor Kerry  
  Higgins Rodney Wayne   Thompson Janice Maree  
  Holmes Gaylene Olive N Tuttle Diane Gillian  
  Hooper Carol Faye Nelson Leonard    
    Nichols Christine Tuttle Keith John  

Thank you Carolann for updating Unknown Christine Anne headstone.

Headstone reads
Christine Anne Marshall
Born 25th Dec 1952
Died 27th Aug 1953





Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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